Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Snap Circuts

As I said in the video, it is made of Snap Circuits.

I made it from the Snap Circuits Jr. and the green upgrade kit.

Some of the other fun projects you can make with the sets are:

Pressure Alarm

Laser Gun

Motion Detector

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Funny GIFs

If you don't think these are funny, I was laughing out loud!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Lacrosse Lessons

On Saturdays I go lacrosse.

I need to wear: a helmet, a mouthpiece, gloves, elbow pads, shoulder pads, and cleats.

We do drills, practice catching, scooping, running, and throwing.

To throw accurately, you point the end of your stick at the target then push the top of the stick up straight up and over.

It's great exercise because I'm always tired and dirty at the end.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Today I was doing exponents.

These are their properties:

xa · xb = xa+b - Multiplying Powers

(xa)b = xab - Raising a Power to a Power

x-n =1/xn - Negative Exponents


x3 · x7 = x3+7 = x10

(x52)2 = (x52)2 = x104

x-4 = 1/x4

32 · 33 = 35 = 243

(23)2 = 26 = 64

4-2 = 1/42 = 1/16

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Imaginary Numbers

Yesterday I learned about i. We use it to describe imaginary numbers.

This is the definition of i:

i =  -1 

Now if that is true, then the following is true:

i2 =i· i = -1

i3 = i2 · i = -i

i4 = i3 · i = 1

i5 = i4 · i = i

i6 = i4 · i2 = -1

i7 = i4 · i3 = i3 = -i

i8 = i4 · i4 = 1

i9 = i8 · i = i

i10 = i8 · i2 = -1

As you can see, every 4th power of i = 1.

So you can just divide i's exponent by 4 and the remainder will tell you the answer {1,i,-1,or -i}.

These are the questions I did yesterday.

A complex number has two parts - a real part and an imaginary part.

For example:

3 + 6i

I'll write another post on them later.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stream Eroison

Last week I went to a class on Stream Erosion.

What they used is called a stream table. It was a slanted table full of sand with a faucet on the top.

There was 2 types of streams: the young stream and an older stream. The difference is the older one has been carved out a little by water.

Stream erosion is when water overflows a stream, the faster parts carry the boulders and the cobbles and the slower water carries the pebbles, sand, silt, and clay.

And this how a stream in the real world takes shape.

Look how small clay is, I bet you didn't know that!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Museum of Modern Art

Last Saturday I went to the MoMA with my friend in New York City.

I went on a kid's tour where we looked at paintings and they asked us what tools the artist would use.

It was fun but I didn't learn that much.

At the end there was a little playroom we played in.

At the very end we went to get lunch in a Burger Joint.

When we got home I visited my friend's house.